About Self-Reliant Health...
Self-Reliant Health™ is a unique and extraordinary program that will empower you to achieve a healthy, abundant LivingStyle™ filled with meaning, purpose, and passion!
This program is a simple, powerful, and very effective approach that gives you a solid foundation to build on. This is not just another quick fix approach or pill. It doesn’t simply put a band-aid on your problems. It teaches and empowers you how to rely on your own capabilities, judgments, and resources. It’s a common-sense Do-It-Yourself methodology that is simple and it works!
The Self-Reliant Health program puts you back in charge of your own health and well-being. We have a full suite of coaching, tools, education, resources, and support ready to help you on your pathway to success.
Almost 50% of ALL adults have at least one or more chronic health conditions!!! Including: heart disease, cancer, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis.
** These are the most common and preventable of ALL health problems!
(Source: Center for Disease Control)
Heart disease and cancer alone account for 46% of all deaths
84 million Americans have pre-diabetes
Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death
56% use alcohol or illicit drugs
Nearly 70% use prescription drugs
1/3 of adults have high blood pressure
1 in 5 adults experiences serious mental illness every year
Hundreds of parasite species infect multi-millions of adults in the U.S.
Sugar cravings
Chronic fatigue
Sleep Problems
Low energy
Chronic pain
Mental fog
Shortness of breath
Digestive problems
Do you have.........
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Autoimmune Disorders
(rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, grave’s disease, hashimoto’s disease, psoriasis, lupus, celiac disease, crohn’s disease, MS, alopecia, ploymyalgia, etc.)
Virus, bacterial, or fungal infections
Other existing conditions?
Do you feel tired, rundown, worn out, or lethargic more frequently than you would like? Would you like to improve your current health while you strengthen your immune system and improve your resilience? The Self-Reliant Health program is a powerful, simple pathway to better health!
Did you know… most poor health is a symptom of our habits and choices! While this may seem pretty straight forward, it is much easier said than done. And, for many like an impossible dream!
Most health problems and symptoms can be prevented or controlled.
Although most individuals don’t know what to do or where to begin, there is a simple and amazing way to get back on top and in control. It can be traced right back to what we eat, think, and do (our habits).
“You’ve got to change your programming to truly solve the problem.” Again, this is easier said than done.
That is why we created the amazing Self-Reliant Health™ program which took over seven years to develop. This program literally changes lives in amazing ways!
Contact us today…
Take charge of your own health and become independent.