Self-Reliant Living

How we help…

At Self-Reliant Living, “we teach and empower self-reliance and independence”. We help individuals enjoy a healthy, abundant LivingStyle™ driven by purpose while helping them prepare for times of trouble in a world of growing uncertainty.

We have developed a unique and extraordinary LivingStyle™ and Readiness program that empowers individuals to transform their lives and circumstances to achieve greater happiness, life satisfaction and security.

To facilitate this, we are launching a premier “Self-Reliance Learning and Resource Center”.

Did you know? Most of us…

  • We are not where we want to be in life

  • We are not as happy as we would like to be

  • We are not living life to its fullest

  • We cannot clearly identify our “Purpose in life”

  • We are almost wholly unprepared for the unexpected, and…

  • We have no backup plan!!!

The news is filled with reports and studies showing there is significant and growing public concern over the erosion of quality of life in almost every segment of society. People are feeling vulnerable, at risk, and less secure.

Ongoing studies have also revealed that “happiness” and “life satisfaction” levels drop steadily and significantly after the age of 20. Astoundingly, this midlife drop-off for most people lasts for 40 years and bottoms out between 45 and 60 years of age. People become mired, bogged down, and distracted in daily living which manifests itself in a myriad of ways such as: financial vulnerability, rising debt, declining health, failing relationships, discouragement, frustration, and so much more.

Our Focus

With all the challenges that abound in society today, we are passionate and focused in our efforts to help individuals achieve levels of success they never thought possible and to inspire them to embrace the ennobling principles of faith, hope, and charity.

To this end, our goal is to make accessible all the necessary tools, help, and resources from a source you can trust and depend on.

Everything we do is intrinsically tied to the truly wholistic principles of self-reliant living. Self-Reliant Living is a common-sense approach to self-reliance that is incredibly wholistically empowering. Our approach is mainstream NOT extreme and can benefit virtually anyone including you in some way even if you do not have one dime to your name.

You will learn how to…

  • Start where you are,

  • use what you already have,

  • in ways you never imagined,

  • to accomplish things you never thought possible!

OUR PURPOSE: “To bring Wholistic Self-Reliance® and hope to the world transforming lives and opportunities”

OUR VISION: ”To empower every individual to achieve a life of wholeness, happiness, and security driven by purpose

OUR MISSION: “To transform and empower every life; to build a premier “Self-Reliance Learning and Resource Center”; to facilitate a movement and grow a thriving community united in purpose”

Company History

Self-Reliant Living® was originally founded and launched by David Noack in Idaho in 1997. The company provided classes, consulting, products and services at that time, centered on self-reliant topics which included everything from alternative energy, heating, passive solar home design, and construction to home production, solar box cooking, solar gardening and greenhouses, healthy living, and independent living skills.

Today, the company is in the process of a significant much more comprehensive upgrade and relaunch with a core program that is fully wholistic and includes the whole spectrum of self-reliance with special focus on abundant living. It includes a number of incredible new programs which have been six years in the making. These are being launched sequentially starting with the Self-Reliant Health program. These programs and resources offer amazing benefits greatly enhancing your ability to “live more abundantly today, prepared for tomorrow, and empowering your life and ambitions with focused purpose”. These programs and upgrades are inspired in part by Dave’s incredible life journey.

In 1960, at the early age of six Dave lived with his family in a small cabin in the back country of British Columbia, Canada through a bitter cold winter without any modern conveniences. There was no running water, no central heat, no electricity, no bathrooms, etc. Instead, it was breaking the ice in the river for water every day, using an old fashioned two hole outhouse, oil and gas lamps, and an old cook stove that was also used to provide a little heat in subzero temperatures. At night after the fire went out, the only way to stay warm was climbing into bed under layers of blankets and a heavenly down quilt.

Later, from 1973-1975, Dave lived abroad in Ireland at the peak of their serious political troubles. He experienced civil unrest and the extended loss of essential services up close and personal. These and many other notable experiences really left an indelible impression on Dave. This became a significant precursor in his quest to learn everything he could about self-reliance and independence.

Periods of life were not always easy. Like many individuals, Dave has suffered severe heartache, loss, and failure in his life. Learning intimately from these experiences, he applied many lessons learned to turning his life and circumstances around. In later years, these and many other experiences provided the inspiration and motivation that led to the development of the modern day Self-Reliant Living program.

While his story and experiences may have had a key impact on the founding and establishment of the Self-Reliant Living company and its related programs, the company and its programs are not about Dave or any other individual related to the company… it’s about YOU and your pursuit of greater Happiness, Life Satisfaction, and Security. That’s the primary purpose of Self-Reliant Living, to touch, empower, and elevate as many lives as possible!

A special note of acknowledgment… Along the way, many amazing people have either influenced or had a direct hand in shaping and developing the Self-Reliant Living® program. We thank you from the depths of our hearts for every one of you including those we are not aware of but who have helped or assisted this work in any way… thank you!!!

Our Team

David Noack

CEO, Founder, Program Director

Dave has over 44 years of extensive, broad-based, hands-on experience in all core facets of the self-reliance industry. He is a sought-after guest speaker, consultant, and coach. He has taught classes for years on both the collegiate and community levels.

In his repertoire of experience, he has also designed and installed scores of alternative energy systems (on both the commercial and residential levels), worked as a self-reliance consultant, lived independent and off-grid for 13 years, designed and manufactured all-fuel hydronic heating systems, tested a myriad of self-reliance products and ideas, and developed and manufactured a few products of his own.

Over the past 41 years, Dave has owned and operated numerous related companies with applicable licenses which included: general contractor, HVAC contractor, and alternative energy solar contractor. He is also a certified business consult and director and has personally worked with over 3500 companies. Before that, he owned and operated an aircraft manufacturing company, and started and grew a very large and successful pest control company in Washington State.

Dave has great passion for life and living and finds great satisfaction in helping and serving others. He has an ardent curiosity about the world around him which has taken him on an amazing journey of learning and discovery throughout his life. He thrives when using the hands-on, immersion approach to learning and has learned to adapt and innovative very comfortably when faced with challenges of most types. Not surprisingly, he was nicknamed MacGyver (after the older television series) by his friends who know him well.

Today he is focused on helping as many people as he can to embrace the transforming benefits of Wholistic Self-Reliance®, a central program of Self-Reliant Living®.

Karen Noack

Health Director, Certified Life and Health Coach

Karen is an incredible, seasoned, and much respected coach and analyst. Her certifications include: life coach, health coach, and live blood analyst. She is kind, respectful, incredibly intuitive, and regularly acknowledged as having a very calming demeanor.

In the 1960’s, Karen grew up in the Big city of San Francisco with all the cultural advantages that the Bay Area had to offer including the healthy trends, natural food options, and world class cuisine.

At the young age of 12, her parents went through a divorce which rocked her world. She witnessed first-hand how alcoholism and addictions could destroy lives. This left her in charge of many meals while her mother worked a full time job. The only girl with 3 brothers, she learned to cook and discovered she loved it! She was privileged to learn from some of the best. She later used her cooking talents along with her nutritional knowledge to become a healthy creative cook.

In 1974 she began working as a dental assistant as part of a work study program. She observed the close relationship between health and habits. As time went on, she witnessed her close brother and many family members die from cancer and diabetes complications. She also experienced earthquakes and their devastating power.

These experiences and many other significant events drove her interest and passion in becoming more self-reliant and independent.

Today Karen works alongside her husband Dave, to help others discover and achieve the wondrous benefits of self-reliant health and living. Family is a key focal point and reason in their lives for becoming truly self-reliant. Their journey has helped them to achieve greater depths of happiness and security than they ever imagined was possible. It has also brought tremendous fulfillment and peace-of-mind! Together they have 7 children and 24 grandchildren.

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